ZAGREB, Jun 5 (Hina) - Jasen Drnasin, member of the Croatian army
4th Guards brigade, today received an official invitation to enter
the West Point military academy - the first such opportunity to be
granted to a Croat.
The invitation was delivered personally by US Ambassador to
Croatia, Peter Galbraith.
The training and education of Croatian officers is part of a
Croatian-US military cooperation program.
"We are really very busy with this cooperation thing right
now," Croatian army chief-of-staff Gen. Zvonimir Cervenko said.
"I can tell you openly that several teams of top-level US
officers are in Croatia now and we are working on a new structure
of the Croatian army," Cervenko said.
Jasen Drnasin was born in Split in 1974. He emigrated to
Canada with his parents and joined the Canadian army after high
school. In 1992, he returned to Croatia to fight in the Homeland
War. As a 4th Guards brigade reconnoitrer-parachutist, he took part
in all the major operations, from Maslenica to the "Storm".
"This has fulfilled my dream. Many of my friends are no more -
it is thanks to them that I am here," Drnasin told reporters after
receiving the invitation.
(hina) mm as
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