ZAGREB, 1 June (Hina) - Croatian President Tudjman received today
Assistant to US State Secretary John Kornblum, the Office of the
President informed.
Kornblum informed Tudjman on his yesterday's encounter with
Milosevic and on preparations for tomorrow's meeting in Geneva.
Kornblum stated that the priority was to start preparations
for the elections in Bosnia-Herzegovina and to remove Karadzic from
power within the Serb entity.
Tudjman said Croatia's stand towards the B-H elections was to
implement them in terms and deadlines of Dayton.
The implementation of the elections was ignificant for the
situation in the Federation, since it is necessary to form a
federal government and district authorities, said Tudjman.
Croatia holds it essential to remove both Mladic and Karadzic
from their functions within the Serb entity. Tudjman also said that
the process of peaceful reintegration of the Croatian Danubian area
had to be discussed in Geneva. "So far we have been pleased with
the implementation, but now Gen.Klein is facing newly created
President Tudjman was accompanied by Head of Office Ivo
Sanader, Defence Minister Gojko Susak, Advisor for Foreign Affairs
Zeljko Matic and Assistant to Foreign Minister Hidajet Biscevic.
011257 MET jun 96
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