ZAGREB, April (Hina) - Assistant to the Croatian Defense Minister
in charge of the civilian sector, Josip Juras, on Saturday handed
over houses with special adaptations to six 100% invalids of war.
The houses have been built for them in the Zagreb neighbourhood of
The average size of the houses is 133 metres squared and have
been constructed without any architectural obstacles for free
movement of invalids in wheelchairs.
The government has partially furnished the houses with the
necessary furniture and every house costs 620,000 kunas ( DM
167,500) on average.
The houses were built as part of a government program of
constructing 112 houses for war invalids. The Croatian government
invested 100 million kunas (about DM 27 million) in the project.
Most of the planned houses will be completed this year and in
the next month, keys of another 30 houses will be handed over to
war invalids in Slavonski Brod, Vinkovci and Osijek.
(hina) lm jn
271320 MET apr 96
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