ZAGREB, Apr 24 (Hina) - Today's VJESNIK devotes the front page to
the session of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly
(article headlined "Croatian Request Laid Before the Council of
Europe") and Minister Granic's visit to Bosnia-Herzegovina (article
headlined "No Calculations with Bosnian Federation").
The paper carries a interview with Croatian Defence Minister
Gojko Susak, headlined "I'm Feeling Well and Working Fifteen Hours
a Day."
VECERNJI LIST on the front page reports a lack of kuna owing
to a surplus of foreign currency, even though the central bank had
stopped buying foreign currency from commercial banks in April.
The paper runs an interview with attorney Zvonimir Hodak, who
is defeding the seven Croats who are to be tried before the Hague
War-Crimes Tribunal. The article headlined "No Evidence Against
(hina) jn as
241214 MET apr 96
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