MOSTAR, 23 April (Hina) - EU administrator for Mostar Ricardo Perez
Casado received today mayors of western and eastern Mostar Mijo
Brajkovic and Safet Orucevic respectively. This was the first
meeting between the new administrator and the leaders of the Croat
and Bosniak communities in Mostar.
After the talks Casado said there were "many points of
agreement" and that the main outstanding task was "preparation and
carrying out of elections in Mostar and reviving of the economy."
According to Brajkovic, many issues concerning political
constitution of the town have been resolved over the past two
years, during the mandate of Hans Koschnik. "Today we agreed that
most important outstanding issues were imminent holding of
elections and economic revival," said he.
Orucevic said the parties should work with the new EU
administrator on implementation of agreements that have been made
during the past two years, so that the town could be united. "We
are most concerned about the organization of elections and return
of citizens to their homes," said Orucevic.
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