NOVI TRAVNIK, March 25 (Hina) - The commander of the joint armed
forces of the Bosnian Croat-Moslem federation, Major General
Filip Filipovic, said on Monday that as he was not authorized to
assess the process of implementing civilian provisions of the
Dayton peace agreement so High Representative for civilian
affairs Carl Bildt was not competent to assess the establishment
of federal armed forces.
Commenting on Bildt's statements to foreign media on upset
relations between the Bosnian army and the Croat Defence Council
(HVO) and Bildt's doubts about the setup of the federal army,
Filipovic said that such statements were a result of "a schematic
approach to the establishment of the federal army, which is
typical of a large number of international factors in Bosnia-
"International representatives try to simplify problems in
order to overcome them more easily so that they see the federal
army as a unified organism and forget the dualism of the the
Federation as a condition for its existence and the existence of
the Bosnian Croats," he said.
Filipovic added that some of the Bosnian army leaders also
made such a mistake, "trying to erase the HVO's identity in order
to absorb it."
"This could be a crucial mistake in the process of creating
the federal army because the HVO will not agree to lose the
identity it has fought for over the past four years," he said.
Filipovic said that the relations between the Bosnian army
and the HVO would not deteriorate and the establishment of the
federal army would not be in question if the dualism was taken
into account.
(hina) vm
251856 MET mar 96
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