BRUSSELS, Feb 21 (Hina) - The official transfer of authority from
the commander of the UN peacekeeping force in Eastern Slavonia,
Belgian General Freddy van de Vege, to the commander of the
military component of the UN Transitional Administration in Eastern
Slavonia (UNTAES), Belgian General Jozef Schoups, will take place
on March 14, officials in Brussels said on Wednesday.
Gen. Schoups will arrive in Croatia in early March and the
headquarters of his force will be located in Vukovar.
The Belgian news agency BELGA said that the UNTAES force would
have about 4,500 troops if Pakistan agreed to contribute its
soldiers. Talks with Islamabad on sending 980 Pakistani troops were
in progress.
A total of eight countries will contribute troops to the
UNTAES force. Belgian and Russian soldiers have been in Eastern
Slavonia since 1992 while Argentinian, Jordanian, Pakistani, Czech,
Slovak and Ukrainian troops will be deployed in the Croatian
Danubian region much better armed than their peacekeeping
colleagues with the UNCRO mission.
The UNTAES force will be armed with tanks, assault helicopters
and heavy artillery and can also count on NATO air support. US
troops on the ground will set up two or three centres for
coordination with the NATO-led peace Implementation Force (IFOR) in
neighbouring Bosnia.
The United States is also expected to provide logistic and
intelligence support to the UNTAES mission.
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211338 MET feb 96
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