( Editorial: --> 0061 )
SARAJEVO, 21 Dec (Hina) - U.S. President Bill Clinton and his wife
Hillary will visit Bosnia-Herzegovina on Monday.
The U.S. President and his wife will be joined by Clinton's rival at
the last presidential elections, former Republican senator Robert
Dole and his wife Elisabeth.
The U.S. delegation is expected to arrive in Sarajevo early in the
Details concerning Clinton's visit to the Bosnian capital are still
not known, but what is known is that Clinton will meet the Bosnian
Presidency members in the National Museum in Sarajevo.
He is also to give a speech for the Bosnian public in the National
Clinton will take a walk through Sarajevo streets to meet with its
Early in the afternoon, the U.S. President will leave for Tuzla
where he is to meet with U.S. Stabilisation Force troops, on the
occasion of Christmas holidays.
This is the second visit of the U.S. President to Tuzla.
Clinton visited Tuzla for the first time in 1996, when he also paid a
visit to Croatia. The visit to Sarajevo was not possible due to
security reasons.
Sarajevo media have been announcing Clinton's visit as the main
event of the year in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
It is expected that the Television of Bosnia-Herzegovina will cover
the whole visit to Sarajevo. CNN has also announced direct coverage
of the event.
(hina) rm
211350 MET dec 97
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