( Editorial: --> 8164 )
BELI MANASTIR, 13 Dec (Hina) - The Presidency of the Serb People's
Council (SNV) held a session in Beli Manastir on Saturday, under the
chairmanship of the SNV President Milorad Pupovac.
"It was decided that the session should be held in Beli Manastir so
that we could support the completion of the peaceful reintegration,
encourage people to stay and help in solving disputable issues as
soon as possible and in creating a favourable atmosphere for the
completion of the reintegration process," Pupovac said.
Today's session was also attended by representatives of the Serb
People's Council (SNV) from Yugoslavia.
Participants in the session also discussed the security situation
in the area, estimating that that problem could be solved more
effectively in cooperation with the Interior Ministry, because,
they said, the number of incidents was increasing lately.
SNV member and advisor to the head of the Croatian Government office
for Displaced People and Refugees, Milenko Vucetic, informed the
Council Presidency about the talks between members of the SNV and
the Croatian President Franjo Tudjman.
Vucetic expressed satisfaction with the high level of "agreement
concerning the issue of equality of rights of all Croatian
citizens, regardless of their nationality, and equal rights of all
The two sides supported the Amnesty Law, Vucetic said, adding it had
been stressed that its implementation should be improved.
Spiro Lazinica, member of the SNV Presidency and deputy mayor of
Beli Manastir, said that the basic problem the residents of Beli
Manastir were facing was the undefined status of those persons who
did not receive Croatian documents or were not granted the right to
According to Lazinica, 188 Serb families left Beli Manastir in the
past month and a half.
The discussion also included problems of higher education and a
draft decision on the flag, coat-of-arms and anthem of Croatian
(hina) rm
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