ZAGREB, Oct 21 (Hina) - Four central opposition political parties
on Tuesday requested a parliamentary discussion on their proposal
to take over the second channel of the state Television and Radio.
Presidents of the HSLS (Croatian Social Liberal Party), the HSS
(Croatian Peasants Party), the HNS (Croatian People's Party) and
the IDS (Istrian Democratic Party) forwarded into parliamentary
procedure the draft of their bill on ammendments to the Croatian Law
on Radio and Television, which proposes the divison of Croatian
Television (HRT) channels between the ruling party (HDZ - Croatian
Democratic Union) and the opposition, on the model of the Italian
RAI state television.
"Our aim isn't to create another party television, but an objective
one", the president of the HSLS, Vlado Gotovac, told reporters in
Zagreb. "We don't see this as a final solution, but one step in the
creation of a completely free and professional television, like the
BBC", Gotovac said, adding that today "the HDZ's interests on the
HRT equal state interests."
Today's initiative by the opposition would, according to Gotovac,
also settle the issue of insufficient media freedom in Croatia,
especially on the HRT.
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