STUBICKE TOPLICE, Oct 21 (Hina) - An international symposium on the
sustainable development of rural areas, along with the 50th meeting
of the Alpe-Adria working community's Commission I, was held in
Stubicke Toplice, a northern Croatian spa, on Tuesday.
The symposium, which gathered about 80 participants from six
countries, was organised by the Croatian state administration for
the environmental protection and the ministry of the physical
planning, construction and housing.
At the Stubicke Toplice event, results and activities of the Alpe-
Adria Working Community's Commission I during the three-year
chairmanship of Croatia were presented, and the Austrian region of
Carinthia has assumed the chairmanship.
It was decided that all four groups of the Commission I would
chiefly tackle the issue of the sustainable development of the
rural areas in the next period of three years.
(hina) jn mš
211641 MET oct 97
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