GENEVA, Oct 14 (Hina) - Croatia's Ambassador to the United Nations
in Geneva, Darko Bekic, addressed an annual session of the Executive
Committee of the UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) on Tuesday
on efforts undertaken by the Croatian government to return refugees
and displaced persons from Croatia to their homes.
Addressing UN High Commissioner for Refugees Sadako Ogata and
members of the Executive Committee, Bekic said that in the area of
former Yugoslavia a significant number of returns of members of the
ethnic minorities could be noticed only in Croatia.
He added that refugees were returning to Croatia independently
or through the organisation of the UNHCR and the Croatian
Bekic recalled that Croatia was still caring for 150,000
refugees from Bosnia-Herzegovina.
The success of the reintegration of the Croatian Danube region
and coexistence in that area depends also on the possibility for
displaced persons to return to their homes there, the Croatian
diplomat said.
Administrative, economic and political measures taken by the
Croatian government speak clearly of its determination to ensure to
all of its citizens life in conformity with the highest democratic
standards, he added.
Bekic said that Croatia had invested over $1.7 billion in the
reconstruction of the Danube region and other reintegrated areas,
noting that only two per cent of that sum had been provided by the
international community.
Stressing that economic reconstruction was crucial for the
permanent return of displaced persons, Bekic appealed to the UNHCR
and the international community to participate in the economic
reconstruction of Croatia in the interest of permanent and humane
return of all of its citizens to their homes.
(hina) vm
141825 MET oct 97
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