ZAGREB, Oct 9 (Hina) - Catholic priests from the deaneries of
Derventa, Brcko, Doboj and Samac in the Bosanska Posavina area
(northern Bosnia-Herzegovina along the Sava river) and civil
representatives of these municipalities on Wednesday issued a
statement in which they want to caution the Croatian and world
public about certain problems.
The statement was issued after a meeting held with the head of
the Croatian Emigrants Society and parliament representative Ante
The statement points out that the international community has
as yet done nothing concerning the return of Croats to the Bosanska
Posavina area. The Croats' position in the Bosnian Serb republic
continues to be difficult, while the international community shows
much concern for national minorities in Croatia, they add in the
The priests called on people from the Bosanska Posavina area
who could not return there to stay in Croatia and refuse to go to
third countries.
They requested the Croatian government to find a solution for
providing social and health insurance for refugees from the Bosanska
Posavina area.
The international community did not ensure equal participation
in the Bosnian September municipal election in municipalities under
the Bosnian Serb control, they said in the statement. The
international community through its engineering caused considerable
damage to Croats in Bosanska Posavina, they added, pointing out that
it is unacceptable that the Serb electoral body was more numerous
than the 1991 census showed.
(hina) ha
092137 MET oct 97
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