TUZLA, Oct 4 (Hina) - The U.S. Defence Secretary, William Cohen, who
is on his European trip, made a stopover in Tuzla, north-eastern
Bosnia, on Saturday.
At the Tuzla airport where the headquarters of American SFOR
troops are, he held talks with the NATO-led SFOR forces' Sector
North commanders and dined with U.S. soldiers.
At a news conference Cohen voiced satisfaction with the
professional approach of the multinational SFOR division to its
tasks and with cooperation between American and Russian troops.
He added that the cooperation between American and Russian
SFOR forces was exceptionally synchronised in a recent SFOR
operation of seizure of Bosnian Serb transmitters.
He was also satisfied with September local elections in
Bosnia-Herzegovina which he described as successful.
The U.S. official pointed to the obligation of SFOR to help
implement all provisions of the Dayton accords by the end of June
next year, but could not say whether the NATO mission in the country
would continue after that deadline.
He said that no decision had been made yet by the NATO on
whether Stabilisation Force would be replaced by other peace force
with different mandate next summer. What was certain at the moment
was that SFOR would be engaged in Bosnia until 28 June next year and
that the international community, insisting on the maintenance of
peace, must implement the peace agreement until that deadline, he
He told reports that after the successful municipal elections
in Bosnia the international community should help create free and
independent media in the country.
Speaking of the arrest of war criminals, Cohen reiterated that
it was a task of the international community which must be performed
till the SFOR pull-out.
He said he believed that war criminals would be soon brought
to justice.
(hina) mš
042052 MET oct 97
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