PLOCE, Sept 30 (hina) - Nobody in Ploce can accept the text of an
agreement on the Bosnian Federation's access to the Adriatic Sea
and the use of the Ploce Harbour proposed by a U.S. arbitration
commission, a local authority representative from the central
Adriatic town of Ploce said on Tuesday.
The U.S. proposal was discussed by representatives of the
town's authorities, the Ploce Harbour and the harbour's
syndicate at a meeting held on Monday evening.
According to Ploce Town Council president Ratko Giljevic,
the text of the U.S proposal recalled ancient colonial times
which, he said, had nothing in common with contemporary
international conventions on the right to access the sea and use
sea harbours.
"I think no one on the Croatian side will sign the text of
the proposed agreement, since that would cause dissatisfaction
and rage among harbour workers, Ploce residents and the
population of the Neretva river valley," Giljevic said.
The Croatian negotiation delegation's representatives from
Ploce went to Zagreb on Tuesday to further adjust the agreement,
he added.
It was agreed for the Bosnian Federation to use the Ploce
Harbour during the signing of the Washington Accords on the
Bosnian Federation in 1994. Numerous negotiations on the
implementation of the agreement followed, but no solution to the
satisfaction of both sides has been found as yet.
A temporary agreement on the use of Ploce Harbour has been
signed in Zagreb in May 1996.
(hina) ha jn
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