MOSTAR, Sept 27 (Hina) - After a Bosnian Croat had been seriously
injured in a beating in Mostar on Friday evening, a witness to the
incident gave a report.
Vidak Kozul, who was severely beaten Friday, was a resident of
west (Croat-held) Mostar, but had visited the east part of town,
which is Moslem-held, with Zarko Klemo.
A person unknown to me hit Klemo on the head four to five
times with his hands, after which Kozul fell and hit his heat on the
asphalt, Klemo said, adding that all this had happened in front of a
restaurant in the eastern part of town.
They had parked the car with Herzeg-Bosnian license plates in
which they arrived near-by.
The goal of the visit was for the two men to retrieve their
employment books from the "Velmos" company, whose employees they had
been before the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
After he beat up Kozul, the assailant went back to the
restaurant, Klemo said.
According to Klemo, he and Kozul had went into the restaurant
at the invitation of their former colleague, the owner of the
Several SFOR officers arrived at the scene not long after the
beating, but, Klemo said, they offered no help to the severely
injured Kozul.
Klemo then placed Kozul in the car and transported him to a
hospital in west Mostar.
He added that he had informed the west Mostar police about the
attack, as well as international police officials at the Canton
Interior Ministry in the neighbourhood of Cernica.
(hina) lm
271903 MET sep 97
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