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ZAGREB, Sept 24 (Hina) - The Croatian Parliament House of
Counties on Wednesday endorsed the final Bill on the
establishment of the legal validity of documents issued to
individuals by local authorities in the occupied areas of
According to the bill, certain documents (decisions,
certificates, rulings) issued by various bodies in power in the
occupied areas, would be recognised as valid if they were in line
with the Croatian Constitution, Constitutional Law on the rights
of minorities and other Croatian laws, head of the Croatian
government Legislation Office, Marijan Prus, said on Wednesday.
Any interested person may request of a court or authorised
Croatian administrative body to ascertain the compliance of such
a document or its opposition to the Constitution or Croatian
Representatives of the government had cooperated with
UNTAES in the preparation of this law.
He reiterated that this bill pertained to documents issued
in administrative and court proceedings, but not to by-laws
passed by bodies in authority in the occupied areas.
Such by-laws have been pronounced invalid by the
Constitutional Court in 1992.
In response to many comments and questions of MPs, Prus
said that the mere passing of this law would not render the
documents legally valid. They would become so only when they
receive the validity clause from the authorised body.
The Upper House endorsed bills, without discussion, on the
ratification of the European Charter on regional or minority
languages, on the ratification of a Consular Convention between
Croatia and Yugoslavia, and a Bill on the official usage of
language and alphabet of ethnic and national communities and
(hina) lm jn
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