SARAJEVO/TRAVNIK, Sept 11 (Hina) - A Bosnian Croat returnee has died
after being severely beaten outside his home near the central
Bosnian town of Travnik, the office of the Croat member of the
three-man Bosnian presidency, Kresimir Zubak, said in a statement on
The incident happened in the village of Kokosari on Tuesday
when Jure Jelonic and his brother Vinko were attacked by two
pitchfork-wielding Moslems. Jure died later on as a result of grave
Zubak's office warned that it was the fourth murder which
showed that "Croat appeals, protests and warnings to the
Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the
Office of the High Representative, the International Police Task
Force, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, the ambassadors of
Contact Group member states and other international organisations,
have failed to bear fruit, definitively showing the unwillingness of
the responsible authorities in Travnik to ensure minimum security
for the citizens of Croat nationality."
The office said it had sent a letter to NATO-led peace force
commander Gen. Eric Shinseki demanding that NATO troops guarantee
security of citizens in that area.
The government of the Central Bosnia canton held an emergency
session on Thursday ordering its competent ministry to take all
legal steps to bring the perpetrators to justice.
The head of the Travnik municipal government based in Nova
Bila, Tomislav Rajic, sent a letter to the Bosnian presidency and
the OSCE mission, saying that Moslem police in Travnik, in
cooperation with international police, had failed to solve any of
the four murder cases.
(hina) vm
111939 MET sep 97
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