TUZLA, Aug 28 (Hina) - SFOR is authorised to answer a threat or
announcement of one and is fully prepared to do so of the
situation in Brcko goes the wrong way, spokesman for SFOR Sector
North, Jim Cronin said Thursday.
SFOR troops have been deployed to patrol around the
northern Bosnian town of Brcko throughout the day and have set up
several check points on roads towards the town to keep the number
of demonstrators from growing.
Cronin told reporters that in the protests in Brcko so far,
an US SFOR soldier had had hi nose broken and eyes injured as a
result of having a demonstrator hit him with a wooden bat. He
added that 15 international institutions' vehicles had been
damaged in the riots.
Several police stations have been under control of SFOR and
the International Police , while the local Serb radio continues
to call on the residents to violence towards representatives of
international organisations and the non-Serb population.
SFOR would continue to observe the situation in Brcko and
to insist on an unbiased and peaceful solution to the conflicts
between the two factions in Republika Srpska, in line with the
Dayton accords, Cronin said.
(hina) lm
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