THE HAGUE, July 10 (Hina) - The International Criminal Tribunal for the
former Yugoslavia announces (Thursday) that Milan Kovacevic is being
transferred to the ICTY's Detention Unit after his apprehension by SFOR
forces earlier today in Prijedor (north-western Bosnia).
Milan Kovacevic has been indicted since 13 March 1997 on charges of
being "complicit in the commission of genocide" in the Prijedor district
between April 1992 and January 1993.
The indictment alleges that "during the period from 29 April 1992
to 31 December 1992, Milan Kovacevic was both a member of the
municipality of Prijedor Crisis Staff and the President of the Executive
Board of the municipality of Prijedor.
In his role as a member of the Crisis Staff, Milan Kovacevic was
part of the body that held executive power in the municipality of
Prijedor at all times relevant to this indictment.
As the President of the Executive Board of the municipality of
Prijedor, Milan Kovacevic occupied the second most important position on
the Crisis Staff, in terms of de jure authority. He was the individual
responsible for arranging the details for visits to the camps by
reporters and who provided most of the information about the camps at
the briefing with visitors to the Crisis Staff," an ICTY statement said.
The indictment was confirmed on 13 March 1997 by Judge Elizabeth
Odio Benito who also signed a warrant for the arrest of Milan Kovacevic.
Judge Odio Benito ordered that "there be no public disclosure of the
indictment" until further order and that copies of the arrest warrant
"be transmitted to the International Stabilisation Force (SFOR)," the
statement added.
Simo Drljaca, who SFOR also attempted to arrest, was named in the
same indictment and also charged of being "complicit in the commission
of genocide" in the Prijedor district between April 1992 and January
(hina) mš
101947 MET jul 97
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