ZAGREB, July 18 (Hina) - Croatian Premier Zlatko Matesa on Friday
received representatives of the Croatian Association of Romanies and the
participants of the Summer School of Croatian Romany Youth, the Croatian
Government's Communications Office said in a statement.
According to the statement, "the talks pointed out problems related
to the existential and cultural being of Romanies in Croatia. It was
pointed out that these problems were the result of (being marginalized
for centuries), and that the solution to the position of the Romany
community in Croatia could be ensured in the long run only through the
system's institutions. These problems refer to the urbanization of
Romany settlements, the education of youth, employment, social and
health care. These are primary problems which must be solved in view of
an effective integration of the Romany community into society and the
advancement of their position. In order for the Romanies to retain their
culture and language, and thus keep their own being, a systematic
assistance on the part of the state is necessary, the association's
representatives concluded".
Croatia's prime minister expressed the Government's understanding
for the problems of the Romany community, the statement said. Matesa
pointed out the Government was ready to support projects such as the
organization of optional Romany language study at schools and the
issuance of papers in Romany.
Matesa also said the possibility of solving problems related to the
urbanization of settlements would be discussed, the Croatian
Government's statement concluded.
(hina) ha
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