SARAJEVO, July 18 (Hina) - A hand grenade was thrown at the house of
international police officers in the Serb-held northern Bosnian town of
Bosanska Gradiska early Friday morning, UN spokesman Alexander Ivanko
told a news conference in Sarajevo.
The explosion shattered all the windows and damaged the facade. A
member of the International Police Task Force (IPTF) who was inside at
the time of the blast was not injured.
Ivanko described the explosion as another in a series of minor
incidents that had occurred in recent days across the Serb entity of
Members of the UN mission have been advised to exercise caution
when travelling through Serb territory but no extra security measures
have been undertaken.
Ivanko went on to say that the IPTF office in Bosanska Gradiska had
been plastered overnight with posters featuring Bosnian Serb war-time
leader and indicted war criminal Radovan Karadzic with the message "If
you want peace, don't touch Karadzic."
The Karadzic posters also appeared overnight on the office of the
international High Representative in Brcko, Pale, Zvornik, Bijeljina,
Banja Luka and Lukavica.
Under a special agreement mediated by US architect of the Dayton
peace agreement Richard Holbrooke, Karadzic was banned from holding any
public office or appearing in public.
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181449 MET jul 97
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