BELGRADE, July 9 (Hina) - The head of the Serbian Orthodox Church,
Patriarch Pavle, and the Archbishop of Sarajevo, Cardinal Vinko Puljic,
met in Belgrade on Wednesday.
It was the first high-level meeting between Serbian Orthodox and
Roman Catholic dignitaries since the collapse of the former Yugoslavia
and the ensuing war.
The meeting also involved the Catholic Archbishop of Belgrade,
France Perko, members of the Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church and
Bosnian Serb bishops.
In their statements to the press, Pavle and Puljic expressed
satisfaction that the meeting had taken place.
Pavle said that they discussed important issues for the two
churches, believers and all people of good will.
Describing the talks as open and cordial, Puljic said that their
purpose was "to find a way of building peace and respecting our
Participants in the meeting agreed that it was necessary that
religious newspapers should stop publishing articles showing disrespect
for either religious community.
Puljic said that they also discussed creation of a theological
commission of the Catholic Church in Croatia and the Serbian Orthodox
Church, adding that he was trying to bring together Catholic Church
representatives in Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Yugoslavia to
participate in its work.
(hina) vm mm
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