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HINA Zagreb, 18.07.97 No of pages: 7 DELEGATIONS OF CROATIA, YUGOSLAVIA MEET IN ZAGREB ZAGREB, July 18 (Hina) - Delegations of Croatia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia met in Zagreb on Thursday and Friday to adjust the Border
Crossings Agreement and the Local Border Traffic Agreement, the Croatian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Friday. The Croatian delegation was headed by assistant foreign minister Hido Biscevic and assistant interior minister Josko Moric. An agreement on the determination of border crossings was also initialled during the two-day meeting. Both the Croatian and the Yugoslav delegation confirmed the importance of the Local Border Traffic Agreement for the life of citizens on both sides of the Croatian-Yugoslav border. The delegations also exchanged proposals on the listing of municipalities and settled areas to be included in the Local Border Traffic Agreement. It was agreed to continue with the talks in early August to get the agreements ready for