LOVINAC/SVETI ROK, July 16 (Hina) - Croatian Prime Minister Zlatko
Matesa accompanied by Ministers Jure Radic, Nenad Porges, Zlatko
Dominikovic and Ivan Majdak, visited Lovinac and Sveti Rok on Wednesday
afternoon after their tour to Gospic, Otocac, Novalja and Senj, Lika-
Senj County.
Prime Minister Matesa stressed that the speedy reconstruction of
economy should be most important.
The Croatian Government has described "Bosiljevo-Brinje-Otocac-
Gospic-Sveti Rok" as a basic road direction, and the construction of the
road will begin in 2000.
Agriculture in Lika should be developed under new concepts,
according to its natural resources, Matesa said.
During his talks with county and local officials the support was
promised for making Gospic a centre of faculties.
In Lovinac, local authorities informed the government's delegation
of the course of reconstruction. The renovation of 90 houses has been
finished out of 352 houses that should be reconstructed.
A building which will house municipal authorities is being
constructed whereas the primary school and a local post office have been
already built. The renovation of the police building, the health clinic
and the parish church of St. Michael will begin soon, so that displaced
persons can come back to Lovinac by autumn.
Prime Minister Matesa also toured a construction site of the St.
Rok tunnel through Mt Velebit.
Workers of Zagreb's Hidroelektra firm had so far bored 100 metres
of the tunnel through Velebit from Lika's side, said Davor Lugomer, the
leader of the construction site.
"I maintain that I share the satisfaction of all of us with that
works were going on well, and 500 metres of the tunnel have been made so
far when both Lika's and Dalmatian side are taken in consideration,"
Matesa said. If there were no big problems and surprises, the tunnel
could be completed by 2000, he added.
Reconstruction and Development Minister Radic said when the
tunnel was built a drive from Sveti Rok to Zadar will take 10-15
(hina) mš
161941 MET jul 97
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