SARAJEVO, July 31 (Hina) - The high representative for the implementation
of the Dayton Accord, Carlos Westendorp, will propose to Contact Group
member-countries to undertake penalty measures for non-compliance with
deadlines set in Sintra, the spokesman for Westendorp's office, Duncan
Bullivant, told reporters in Sarajevo on Thursday. The parties in BH were
required to adjust the arrangement of ambassadors, pass laws on
citizenship and passports, and establish a state civil aviation administration
by 1 August, he recalled.
The final agreement on the arrangement of ambassadors was near
completion, but nothing had been done in settling the issue of citizenship
and passports, Bullivant said, and explained that tomorrow Westendorp
would notify representatives of Contact Group member-countries about
measures his office proposed. He refused to specify what might be
undertaken, but confirmed that the issue of corruption would be at the top of
the priority list.
We welcome (chairman of the BH Presidency) Izetbegovic's decision
to form a special commission to investigate this issue and we will cooperate
with him, Bullivant said and called on other communities to investigate
accusations of corruption in their lines.
According to the high representative's spokesman, it was clear that
Bosnian Serb war leader Radovan Karadzic was behind many instances of
obstructions of the Dayton Accord. His influence on hindering the
introduction of a common currency or citizenship is obvious, Bullivant said.
He pointed out that the stand of the high representative's office was
that, because of his present role, Karadzic must be physically removed from
Pale and turned over to The Hague war crimes tribunal.
Bullivant also assessed as unacceptable the attitude of Bosnian Serb
representative Momcilo Krajisnik, who for the past three weeks failed to turn
up at meetings of the BH Presidency in Sarajevo.
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311405 MET jul 97
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