STARI GRAD, July 30 (Hina) - Croatian Premier Zlatko Matesa, Croatian
Development and Reconstruction Minister Jure Radic and Croatian Interior
Minister Ivan Penic on Wednesday afternoon held a working meeting with
firemen, police officials, mayors and municipality heads of the island of
Hvar, where a fire burned down 3,00 hectares of land in the past three days.
According to the head of the Croatian fire-fighters, Mladen Jurina, the
fire was under control which, as he said, did not mean that it had been put
out. The whole Croatian fire-fighting department was on the island as of
yesterday, he added.
At 3 pm the wind started blowing harder which makes it difficult to
ascertain how the situation will progress or if the fire will be entirely put +
As the firemen informed Premier Matesa, the fire was started by live
coals from a previous fire.
Matesa was satisfied that no one had been hurt in such a big fire and
that, thanks to the great efforts of the Croatian firemen, the flames did not
consume a single house. Since lavender fields, vineyards and olive-groves
could unfortunately not be saved from the flames, the Premier asked that a
precise survey of the damage be made, so that the Government could assist
people whose income depends on the burned land.
(hina) ha mm
301704 MET jul 97
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