SARAJEVO, July 21 (Hina) - According to data available to the
Stabilization Force, Bosnian Serb civil authorities continue to control
the army and the police, SFOR spokesman Chris Riley said in Sarajevo on
After a joint meeting in Bijeljina on Sunday evening, high
officials of the Bosnian Serb ministries of defense and the interior,
and the Bosnian Serb army headquarters, said they would not execute
commands "which endanger the constitutional order of Republika Srpska".
A Pale TV broadcast showed that yesterday's meeting was also
attended by police and army officials loyal to the Serb Democratic
Party, from whose membership Republika Srpska President Biljana Plavsic
has been excluded.
As the Serb entity's president, Plavsic is also the supreme
commander of the Bosnian Serb armed forces, which includes the army and
the police. For this reason it is not clear who really controls them.
(hina) ha mm
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