WASHINGTON, July 14 (Hina) - The UN Security Council adopted a
resolution on Monday extending the mandate of the UN Transitional
Administration (UNTAES) in the Danube river region of eastern Croatia
until January 15 next year and supporting a proposal for reconstructing
the UNTAES mission.
The Council supported a substantial reduction of the UNTAES
military component by October 15 this year, while the overall mandate
would terminate by January 15 next year.
The resolution said that the pace of the transfer of authority from
UNTAES to Croatia would depend on Croatia's readiness to fully cooperate
with the international community and to respect the highest standards of
human rights.
A particular emphasis was laid on the importance of the two-way
return of all refugees and displaced persons to their pre-war homes and
on the removal of all administrative and legal obstacles to the return,
as well as on the implementation of the Amnesty Act.
Expressing concern over a lack of cooperation with the Hague-based
international war crimes tribunal, the Council reminded all countries in
the region, including Croatia, of that obligation.
The resolution urged the local Serb population to demonstrate a
constructive attitude to the reintegration process.
It called on the Croatian government to launch a country-wide
public programme of national reconciliation.
The resolution welcomed the renewed mandate of the Organisation for
Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) mission in Croatia that would
monitor the human rights situation after the termination of the UNTAES
The Council stressed the need for achieving agreements with
Belgrade on demilitarisation and a liberal border regime.
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