ZAGREB, July 9 (Hina) - Croatia's President Franjo Tudjman, on Wednesday
received a delegation of the Ministry of Return and Immigration, the
President's office said in a statement.
Minister Marijan Petrovic, his deputy Josip Juras and his
assistants Domagoj Ante Petric, Antun Babic, Marijan Buconjic, Nikola
Vidak and the ministry's secretary Branka Bobanovic, informed President
Tudjman of preparations for an immigration bill, which would be proposed
to the parliament for the adoption in autumn.
President Tudjman was notified of ways of informing Croatian
emigrants about possibilities of investment and return and about the
right of returnees from other countries.
Minister Petrovic said that about 30,000 ex-patriates had come back
so far to the country, and that the interest in the return was bigger.
President Tudjman stressed the importance of creating a positive
atmosphere for the return of Croatians from other countries, and added
that media should be used more for this purpose.
The Croatian State needed all Croatians no matter whether they are
in the motherland or Croatian diaspora and regardless of their financial
status. Therefore it was necessary to remove psychological barriers
which, unfortunately, still existed, so that returnees to Croatia could
feel that they were coming back to their homeland, for which all
conditions had been met after the establishment of the independent
Croatian State, Tudjman added.
Present at the meeting were advisors to the President, Franjo
Kajfez and Franka Barbic, and the President's cabinet chief Gordan
Radin, the statement said at the end.
(hina) mm mš
092007 MET jul 97
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