SARAJEVO, July 3 (Hina) - The Croat member of Bosnia-Herzegovina's
collective presidency, Kresimir Zubak, received the UN Secretary
General's special envoy, Kai Aide, and International Police Task Force
commissioner Manfred Seitner in Sarajevo on Thursday.
They discussed the establishment of a joint Croat-Moslem police
force in the southern Hercegovina-Neretva canton in keeping with a June
6 agreement which defined commitments and time limits for their
implementation, according to a statement from Zubak's office.
Appreciating the importance of the agreement, Zubak said that the
implementation of its provisions was under the exclusive jurisdiction of
cantonal authorities.
Zubak expressed hope that the existing difficulties would be
overcome and commitments from the agreement fulfilled.
(hina) vm
031808 MET jul 97
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