Social liberal Vlado Gotovac, writer, was born on 18 September 1930
in Imotski (south Croatia). He graduated from general secondary school
and the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb.
Married. Wife Simona. Has a daughter.
He worked as a reporter and editor at Zagreb Radio and Television from
1955 to 1972. In the same period he published a number of books,
primarily of poetry. He edited literary reviws and the Hrvatski Tjednik
weekly which was banned in 1971.
He was tried in political proceedings and sentenced to four years
in prison and additional three years of denied rights of public
appearance. After an interview to the Swedish television in 1977 he was
arrested again and in 1981 sentenced to two years in prison and another
four years of denied citizen's rights.
He has continued to publish poetry and prose since 1987.
He was president of the Matrix Croatica (Matica Hrvatska, founded
in 1842). He is one of the founders of the Croatian Social Liberal Party
(HSLS), and was elected the party's president in 1996.
He is also serving his second term as Member of the Croatian
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