SARAJEVO, June 18 (Hina) - Bosnian Presidency member Kresimir Zubak on
Wednesday received the outgoing international High Representative in
charge of implementing the civilian aspects of the Dayton peace
agreement, Carl Bildt, for talks on the state of the peace process.
A statement from the Presidency said that Zubak thanked Bildt for
his involvement in resolving the crisis and consolidating the peace in
Bosnia-Herzegovina, wishing him a success in his further work.
Zubak also received the Archbishop of Sarajevo, Cardinal Vinko
Puljic, to discuss the return of church property, the current situation
in the Croat-Moslem Federation and Bosnia-Herzegovina as a whole, and
the return of refugees and displaced persons.
Puljic also discussed the restitution of church property with
Presidency chairman Alija Izetbegovic.
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181832 MET jun 97
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