SARAJEVO, 19 June (Hina) - The American administration has decided to
finance the making of official uniforms of the police force in the
Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Federation Premier Edhem Bicakcic and the U.S. Embassy charge
d'affaires Robert Beecroft signed a US $2-million-worth contract on the
donation of some 9,000 police uniforms in Sarajevo Thursday.
All uniforms would be made by factories in the Federation, Bicakcic
said, adding the contract was aimed at supporting the Federation's
The establishment of the new police force is one of the most
important steps in making the Federation functional, Beecroft said,
adding that the Federation authorities and U.S. representatives had co-
operated closely in enabling the new police force to follow western
(hina) rm jn
191537 MET jun 97
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