WASHINGTON, June 25 (Hina) - Croatian Ambassador to the United States,
Miomir Zuzul, on Wednesday asked The Washington Times to show proof for
its allegation that "pro-Nazi extremism' was being maintained in
A correspondent of this American newspaper, Philip Smucker, sent a
report from Dubrovnik in mid-June in which he wrote that evidence for
the existence of extremism in Croatia could be easily found, and
described a German tank in an unidentified village which villagers
greeted with Nazi greetings and saying "Heil Hitler". Smucker added in
his report that he saw pictures of the Ustasha leader Ante Pavelic on
the wall of an unidentified bar and met persons who praised Hitler. He
cited also the abuse of minorities, and a Mass held by a priest,
Vjekoslav Lasic, on the anniversary of Pavelic's death.
Zuzul replied in his letter to The Washington Times that mass pro-
Nazi feelings were not at all present in Croatian society. There was no
place for a broad fascist movement in the present-day Croatia. In the
country, like in every democracy, there was a very small minority of
extremists who attracted the attention of media every now and then by
their dramatic exaggerations, but such people did not represent the
majority of Croatians, the Ambassador added.
The reporting from countries like Croatia - that are tying to leave
history behind and transform themselves into democracies - should be
thorough, prudent and accurate rather than superficial, sensationalistic
and inaccurate. Free media had their responsibility that, unfortunately,
your correspondent, failed to fulfil in this case, the Croatian
Ambassador wrote to the American paper.
(hina) jn mš
251959 MET jun 97
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