ZAGREB, June 30 (Hina) - A Croatian Deputy Defence Minister, Lieutenant
General Kresimir Cosic, on Monday received Major General Michael
McCarthy, the head of the planning department of the US armed forces
command for Europe.
Within the American command for Europe, there was a small military
liaison team that closely cooperated with the Croatian Defence Ministry,
Gen. McCarthy said and added that the team worked on very broad but also
on basic issues such as the system of units, the development of
professional officers and a civil democratic body for supervision of the
This visit enabled us to meet with important people in Croatia and
to see how we could meet your needs, the U.S. General said.
We could show to people the military structure of the American army
and how it was responsible before the democratically-elected civil
Gen. McCarthy was accompanied by Brigadier Randal Williams, the
head of the U.S. Army headquarters Joint Contact Team Programme (or
JCTP) for Croatia, and Lieutenant Colonel, Charles Byrd, the head of the
JCTP for Europe.
Other Croatian officials present at the meeting were Croatia's JCTP
chief coordinator, Major Damir Terzic, and the ministry's political
department's deputy head, Brigadier Dusan Viro.
The JCTP has been cooperating with the Croatian Army since last
year, and the cooperation is based on a series of expert seminars held
in Croatia and abroad. It also covers the professional development of
officers and non-commissioned officers, the education and defence system
in line with Western principles, civilian and military relations and the
organisation of military forces.
(hina) mš
301503 MET jun 97
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