ZAGREB, June 27 (Hina) - A modern language laboratory for English was
opened within the foreign language school at the Croatian military
academy of 'Petar Zrinski', on Friday, by the Croatian army chief-of-
staff, General Pavao Miljavac, and U.S. Ambassador to Croatia, Peter
The U.S. Congress has financially helped the installation of the
laboratory via the International Military English Training (IMET) and
within the international programme for military exchange and training.
Gen. Miljavac stressed good cooperation between the U.S. and
Croatian armed forces, and thanked for help of the U.S. Congress, which
he appreciated very much because of importance of officers' training.
Ambassador Galbraith expressed satisfaction with achievements in
military relations between the two countries, and added that Croatia had
perhaps accomplished more than other transition countries, in
transformation of an army of the Communist style in an army of
democratic style.
(hina) jn mš
272113 MET jun 97
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