ZAGREB, June 26 (Hina) - At Thursday's session the Croatian government
discussed the postponement of the decision of the World Bank to grant
Croatia a $ 30 million loan intended for stimulating investments in the
private sector.
The government adopted rules on the protection of savings
investments, and a Bill on humanitarian organisations and humanitarian
help, which it had forwarded to the Parliament.
Finance Minister Bozo Prka informed the government about a request
of an American representative at the World Bank that the voting on the
bank's loan to Croatia be postponed.
The $30 million loan, Prka said, is intended for the support of
investments in the private sector in Croatia, that is, the cement
factory in Komoracno, which is mostly Swiss-owned.
With guarantees of the Croatian government, the loan was to be
distributed in four Croatian banks.
Prka stressed the loan had been agreed on and recommended by World
Bank experts, adding that the voting had been postponed to next week
because of the request of the American World Bank representative.
The loan had not been terminated, because it took more than one
representative to do so, although the United States was the Bank'
largest stock owner, Prka said. Croatia is also a World Bank stock-
holder, but regarding the small amount of stock, it carries out its
business through the Dutch executive director, who Prka said was to meet
these days.
Economy Minister Nenad Porges stressed that politics from economic
criteria needed to be differentiated, and suggested that the World
Bank's chief legal advisor be present at the Bank's session focusing on
the loan to Croatia.
Prime Minister Zlatko Matesa said the issue was not about a gift,
but a loan, and appointed Minister Prka to report on taken measures
within seven days, in order to establish whether Croatia still requested
the loan, or would it cancel it itself, because, as he put it, it did
not disturb Croatia's financial stability.
The rules on protecting savings investments stipulate that banks
and savings banks protect investments of physical persons at the State
Agency for the Protection of savings Investments and Rehabilitation of
Banks. Savings up to 30,000 kuna (US$ 5,000) is guaranteed in full, and
up to 50,000 kuna (about US$ 8,300), 75% of the amount is guaranteed.
Anything above the amount is not guaranteed.
In case of bankruptcy, the bank will begin paying back the
protected amounts to savings banks and branch offices of foreign banks,
whose investments have been protected according to these rules, within
15 days.
The Bill on Humanitarian Organisation and Humanitarian Help
establishes subjects eligible for receiving humanitarian help, as well
as the type and users of the humanitarian help, working conditions of
humanitarian organisations, supervision of their work and freeing and
reductions of customs duty and turnover tax.
(hina) lm jn
261813 MET jun 97
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