ZAGREB, 23 March (Hina) - Today's issue of the Zagreb daily
'Vecernji list' brings an interview with the Croatian Health
Minister Andrija Hebrang, who is also the head of a doctor's board
in charge of following the condition of President Franjo Tudjman.
'Since the last statement, there have been no changes
whatsoever in President Tudjman's health condition', Hebrang said.
'I remain by all the facts from the last statement, which was
co-signed by top experts from three countries. That means that the
treatment has yielded excellent results and that there are no
limitations in President Tudjman's everyday activities. My
statement matters more so as the 18-hour-a-day working capacity of
President Tudjman is much larger than the average capacity',
Hebrang said.
'Claims saying that the doctors' team is rarely issuing
statements and that I conceal President Tudjman's condition are
unfounded. The doctors' board issued its latest statement after
thorough medical examinations and after we gathered all necessary
data to support our firm opinion. The doctors' board will issue new
statements, after it has agreed with President Tudjman on new
check-ups. The President can continue his activities normally in
this and the forthcoming campaigns', the Croatian Health Minister
Asked to comment on statements by some Opposition politicians
saying it would be highly irresponsible if the statements were
meant to create a false picture of the President's health in the
public, Hebrang stressed that the statement was signed by an
international board of doctors.
'Would I be fooling international politicians, such as U.S.
politicians in charge of Croatia, for example General Klein, the
man who says that he is the only person President Tudjman trusts.
Would we be playing political games with such statements?', Hebrang
(hina) rm jn
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