SPLIT, Jan 7 (Hina) - An exhibition called "Croatia and the United
Nations", was opened on Tuesday evening in Split. The opening
ceremony was attended by many scientists, scholars, public figures
and Split consular corps.
Croatian President Franjo Tudjman's science advisor, Branko
Jeren, said that some hundred exhibition boards were proof of that
numerous Croatian scientists and scholars have offered their
knowledge at the disposal of the world not only since the
establishment of the United Nations but also for hundreds of years
The head of the UHDUN (association of the Croatian officials
who have served with the UN), Vjekoslav Kestner, said the objective
of the 250-member UHDUN was, first of all, the comprehensive
revival of Croatia. He voiced belief that UHDUN members could
contribute to achieving it by their knowledge and experience.
The exhibition, prepared by the UHDUN association and Split
law faculty, has been staged to mark 1700th anniversary of the
southern Croatian port town, the 50th anniversary of the World
Organization and the fifth anniversary of Croatia's admission to
the UN. It will last until 20 January.
(hina) mš
072227 MET jan 97
EL: Uvjerljiv Bodo/Glimt, rimski sastavi do prednosti u sudačkoj nadoknadi
KL: Remi Rapida u Banja Luci, Beljo strijelac
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