GENEVA, Jan 21 (Hina) - A Conference on Disarmament began a regular
annual session in the UN centre in Geneva.
The Conference will concentrate on nuclear disarmament and ban
on spreading of conventional weapons including antipersonnel
mines. However no consensus was reached on the matter.
One of the first who addressed the conference was Italian
Foreign Minister Lamberto Dini. He spoke of the last year's
Florence agreement on a military balance between countries
successors to the former Yugoslavia. Minister Dini said that part
of the continent would be gradually integrated in the remaining
Europe in military and security sense.
The Republic of Croatia is not a member-country of the
Conference on Disarmament, but it is granted a status of observer
at this session.
Tuesday's session said the procedure of admission of 17
countries, including Croatia, to the Conference should be stepped
(hina) jn mš
211710 MET jan 97
EL: Uvjerljiv Bodo/Glimt, rimski sastavi do prednosti u sudačkoj nadoknadi
KL: Remi Rapida u Banja Luci, Beljo strijelac
Konferencijska liga: Rezultati (2)
EL: Rezultati (2)
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