( Editorial: --> 9657 )
BRIJUNI, Oct 19 (Hina) - The European Union will once again in
November not accept Croatia's accession to the PHARE programme as a
result of the slow return of Serbs to Croatia, the unsatisfactory
level of internal democratisation and the latest problem of
Croatia's attitude to minorities Croatian Ambassador to the EU
Janko Vranyczany-Dobrinovic on Monday told HINA.
"Based on the access we have, it is more than likely that we will not
be accepted to the PHARE programme at this stage", said Vranyczany-
Dobrinovic. He is currently attending a Forum on Globalisations and
Small Nations which is being held on the Brijuni island (northern
A draft report on Croatia will be submitted to the European
Commission in the first half of November.
One of the founding objections the Commission has is that Croatia
has not taken any steps towards transforming its state television
into a public television media. Further, it has not changed its
electoral laws and lastly the return of Serbs to Croatia is just not
fast enough.
Dobrinovic, however, said that apart from the already known
objections and demands set to Croatia in the last EU report, a new
objection has appeared in the latest report which refers to
Croatia's negative attitude towards minorities.
The EU is probably referring to the issue of minorities in Istria
and the belief that Croatia is discriminatory toward Serb returnees
as it has not regulated the law on property management , he said.
In its programme of regional accession by which the EC set forth a
series of pre-conditions which need to be fulfilled by countries
being considered for accession, including Croatia, a review is
conducted each six months to see the progress on fulfilling the set
The process of regional access "gives the European Union every
opportunity to demand new pre-conditions", said Vranyczany-
In 1997 the EU formulated its regional accession programme by which
it virtually pushed Croatia into the Balkans categorising it
together with Bosnia-Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Macedonia and
With its regional access and pre-conditions the EU has put pressure
on Croatia to unconditional cooperation in Bosnia-Herzegovina and
the implementation of the Dayton accord.
The next European Commission report is due in April 1999 however, if
Croatia fulfils or speeds up the process of fulfilling the
Commission's set preconditions it is possible Croatia could be
formally accepted to the PHARE programme.
(Hina) sp jn
191814 MET oct 98
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