( Editorial: --> 6717 )
NEW YORK Oct 8 (Hina) - Croatia's complete social development could
be significantly advanced by the scheduled international Donors'
Conference for Reconstruction and Development of the country, said
Croatia's Ambassador to the United Nations Ivan Simonovic.
Speaking on Wednesday afternoon New York time, at a session of the
UN General Assembly, Simonovic recalled the repercussions to
Croatia's social development following the war.
"Being a central European and Mediterranean country, Croatia could
be included in that group of countries which can offer assistance to
others, however, the repercussions of the war and the price of the
aggression experienced are such that Croatia simply cannot fulfil
this role", said Ambassador Simonovic.
In line with its regular annual session, the General Assembly
examined the realisation of conclusions and recommendations
adopted at a meeting of world heads held four years ago in
Simonovic reported the steps taken by Croatia regarding the
implementation of agreed obligations. He particularly spoke about
the national employment programme, care for the young and welfare
cases as well as the status of women and children.
"Conscious of the fact that the most underdeveloped countries
require the most assistance, we warn that this assistance is
nevertheless needed in those countries where the economy is
transition", he said.
He warned that the price of social dissatisfaction in these
countries could be a great deal higher than short-term assistance
which would be sufficient to assist these countries to build sound
foundations for further economic and social development, concluded
(Hina) sp jn
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