( Editorial: --> 6442 )
ROME, Oct. 7 (Hina) - Pope John Paul II spoke of his recent pastoral
visit to Croatia on Wednesday during the general audience on St.
Peters square in Rome, stressing that the main event of his
pilgrimage was the beatification of Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac in
Marija Bistrica (the Croatian national Marian shrine near
During his homily the Holy Father repeated that Cardinal Stepinac
was an integral figure of this century and a victim of three
totalitarian systems - fascism, nazism and communism.
The Pope stressed that Stepinac remained faithful to the Vatican
and was subjected to a 'farce process' and convicted after he
refused to separate from the Holy See and form the Croatian Catholic
Pope John Paul II mentioned that he had long desired to visit Marija
Bistrica and that he had finally done so on the event of the
beatification of Cardinal Stepinac, who during his life time lead
pilgrimages to the Holy Shrine all up to when the communist
authorities banned all religious manifestations.
The Pope also spoke of his visit to Split and nearby Solin where the
earliest evidence of Christianity in the regionlies lies. He added
that he prayed with the youth for the future of the Church and the
Evangelisation, calling on all Croatian Christians to take part in
a moral reconstruction of society which was affected by
(hina) ab jn/it
071435 MET oct 98
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