( Editorial: --> 3281 )
PRISTINA, Sept 26 (Hina) - Serbian forces are retreating from the
east of Mt Cicavica, near Vučitrn, Kosovo Albanian sources
confirmed on Saturday.
They also warned of the extremely difficult humanitarian situation
in Resnik, where almost 40,000 Kosovo refugees are located.
The refugees are at risk due to the lack of food, water and medicines
and the increasingly cold weather. Furthermore, the International
Committee of the Red Cross only on Friday managed to evacuate
several heavily wounded.
During their four-day offensive in the area, Serbian forces shelled
21 Albanian villages, 18 of which were completely destroyed and
burned. Nine Albanians were killed and an unconfirmed number
injured in the fighting, the same source said.
The battles between Serbian forces and the Kosovo Liberation Army
in Srbica, in the Drenica region, lasted all day Friday.
During the action, Serbian forces attacked six villages in the
Drenica region, and so far one Albanian has been confirmed killed.
Serbian forces continue to send heavy reinforcements to the area.
(hina) av/rml
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