( Editorial: --> 2162 )
ZAGREB, Sept 22 (Hina) - A National Information Point (NIP) within
the EUREKA programme was opened on Tuesday at the Zagreb Faculty of
Mechanical Engineering and Shipbuilding Centre for Technology
This is only one step away from Croatia's full membership in the
EUREKA programme.
The purpose of the NIP is to assist companies and institutions in
joining in EUREKA projects and taking part in the establishment of
new projects.
EUREKA is a programme for technological and scientific
cooperation, established in 1995 as a joint initiative of 17
European countries and the European Commission.
Today, 13 years later, the programme has 30 members, including all
European Union countries, and helps them in mastering supreme
technologies and acquiring better competitiveness on the market.
(hina) jn rml
221258 MET sep 98
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