( Editorial: --> 1511 )
ZAGREB, Sept 19 (Hina) - Croatian Democratic Union of Bosnia-
Herzegovina (HDZ BiH) president Ante Jelavic says the country's
general elections run last weekend by the international community
were technically badly organised.
"As long as someone from the side hides the rules of the game, I
think such a resolution is not stable or long-term," Jelavic said in
a radio interview for Voice of America (VOA).
He said Croatian President Franjo Tudjman was satisfied with the
election results achieved by the Bosnian wing of Croatia's ruling
party, and that "we would have the Republic of Croatia's support".
We expect Croatia to care for the position of Croats in Bosnia-
Herzegovina, which is its constitutional responsibility, Jelavic
He added that he also expected a "reversal when it came to
transparent relations between Zagreb and Mostar". Mostar, in
southern BH, was one town but would be nothing more than an
"economic and trade headquarters for Croats".
Commenting on international criticism why Zagreb was financing the
Bosnian Croat military and institutions via Croatia's state
budget, Jelavic told radio VOA that the international community
knew very well that Bosniak (Muslim) institutions and the Bosniak
part of the Federation Army were financed with coffers from Arab
countries, a not the Federal budget.
Regarding special relations between Croatia and the Muslim-Croat
Federation of BH, Bosnian Croats expected the protection of their
status as a constitutive nation of BH.
The return of displaced people is of strategic interest to local
Croats because without Croats in Bosnia there would be no future for
Croatia, Jelavic concluded in his interview with VOA.
(Hina) mbr
191117 MET sep 98
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