( Editorial: --> 0831 )
ZAGREB, Sept 16 (Hina) - The Alliance of Ruthenians and Ukrainians
in the Republic of Croatia will this weekend mark its 30th
anniversary as well as the 25th anniversary of the organisation's
central cultural event entitled "Peter's Bell '98".
These celebrations will be held in Vukovar and Petrovci in eastern
Croatia on September 19 and 20.
During the festivities, which after seven years are once again
being held in the Croatian Danube region, visitors will be able to
see a series of cultural, entertainment and sporting events
featuring the life of the Ruthenians and Ukrainians in Croatia.
Events during the two-day manifestation in Petrovci include an open
library and exhibition depicting an ethnographic collection of the
two cultures.
A festive meeting of the Alliance will be held as well as a mass in
the Greek-Catholic church in Petrovci. Entertainment events will
include performances by folkloric dance and music groups.
Alliance president Irinej Mudri expressed his satisfaction that
the manifestation was returning to the Danube region.
Mudri told journalists at a press conference held on Wednesday that
more than half of the total number of Ruthenians and Ukrainians in
Croatia lived in the Danube region.
The population census of 1991 notes that there was about 6,000
Ruthenians and Ukrainians registered in Croatia, of whom 3,500
lived in the Danube region.
More than 8 per cent were either killed or went missing during the
Homeland war.
(Hina) sp jn /mbr
161841 MET sep 98
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