( Editorial: --> 8107 )
ZAGREB, Sept 4 (Hina) - The 31st International Puppet Theatre
Festival PIF closed in Zagreb on Friday with an award-giving
ceremony and a performance of "The Conceited Lady Mouse".
The main Milan Cecuk Award went to the Habamah Theatre from
Jerusalem for a performance of "I Killed Tommy".
Nine awards were presented for individual performances.
Croatia's Rene Medvesek was given an awarded for direction of "The
Super-Shoemaker Martin", performed by the Rijeka Puppet Theatre;
Dino Arra was given an award for puppet technology in "Water",
performed by the Doktor Bostik Theatre from Torino, Italy; and
Jonathan Cross for sound in "Mechanic" by the Space Bicycle Theater
from New York.
The award for animation went to Stephen Mottram for "The Seed
Carriers" by the Oxford Stephen Mottram's Animate.
Pero Juricic received an award for acting in "The Wolf and the Seven
Kids" by the Zagreb Puppet Theatre.
Acting awards were also presented to Janos Palyi for "Knight
Laszlo" by the Maskaras Theatre from Budapest, Ranko Lipovscak for
"The Super-Shoemaker Martin", and Shirley Pitlick and Yifat Maor
for "Days of Shduna and Mashkof" by the Visual Theatre School from
An international expert jury, including Nina Malikova from the
Czech Republic, Marek Waszkiel from Poland and Zvonko Festini from
Croatia, presented the Jerusalem school with a special award for
artistic quality.
The jury did not present awards for set design, performance with the
most humane message, and for puppet appearance.
A children's jury proclaimed "The Wolf and the Seven Kids" by the
Zagreb Puppet Theatre as best performance.
All given awards consist of a diploma and a statue.
Over the last eight days, PIF featured 19 theatres from 11
countries, and 23 different programmes. Performances were held at
the Zagreb Puppet Theatre, Komedija Theatre and the Zagreb Youth
(hina) ha jn
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