( Editorial: --> 5250 )
PRISTINA, Aug 22 (Hina) - A massive campaign of investigations and
trials against Kosovo Albanians accused of "criminal acts of
terrorism" is expected in the southern Yugoslav province, in the
wake of less intense Serbian attacks on Albanian villages.
Albanian sources in Pristina report that the state prosecutor in
Pec has submitted demands for beginning investigative trials
against 25 Albanians from the Djakovica and Decani municipalities
accused of "terrorism". Most of them are already in custody.
The Pec district court recently started investigations against 82
Albanians for criminal offences in "terrorism".
Similarly, the Pristina district court is conducting
investigations against 15 Kosovo Albanians from the Kacanik
municipality. Most of them are former political prisoners.
Starting from journalist and Kosovo Association of Albanian
Political Prisoners president Berat Luzhe, the group includes
prominent intellectuals, political party officials and people
involved in the largely underground Albanian education system.
The Prizren district court has ended its trial of nine students,
most of whom are leaders of the Independent Union of Albanian
They are accused of being members of the Kosovo Liberation Army
(KLA), but their defending lawyers said the court could not find one
shred of evidence. A verdict is to be delivered this Monday (August
The Kosovo Association of Albanian Political Prisoners says the
Serbian authorities are conducting criminal procedures against at
least 500 Albanians and this is just the beginning of a wider
campaign against Kosovo Albanians.
(Hina) mbr
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